Mount Itasca
Trail length: 10 km

Link to this trail on SkinnySki.
Level: Beginner/Expert
Grooming style: Skate and classic
Directions: E. Hwy 169 to Coleraine, west on Co. 61.
Description: Fee for Biathlon range, hilly course, snowmaking. Public trails west of chalet.
Trail Reports
Courtesy SkinnySki. Have you skied this trail recently? Submit your own trail report to Skinny Ski.
Sunday February 9, 2025
Groomed and set track over most of system including the west entrance to GIA trails and Vlad's Revenge. Did classic and skate ski earlier in the day with MYXC. West entrance had not been groomed so lots of fun floundering uphill in soft snow. Way better now!
(Catherine McLynn)
(Catherine McLynn)
Thursday February 6, 2025
Groomed everything but the 2.5 cutoff and vlads revenge. Finally was able to get out and get a second time around after last weekends snow. Should set up very well and not be as soft as earlier this week with the fluffy low moisture snow we got. System is in awesome shape!
(Derek Youngren)
(Derek Youngren)
Sunday February 2, 2025
Entire system PistenBully groomed. All trails except exit ramp are in excellent condition. A few dirty spots but all very skiable. Hosted section 8's JH championships yesterday of 200 skiers. Had multiple racers tell us they have never skied on such well groomed trails. We will gladly take that complement.
(Derek Youngren)
(Derek Youngren)
Trail Photos
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